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Lab 2

Question 1

Regardless whether we know or not the shape of the distribution of a random variable, an interval centered around the mean whose total length is 8 standard deviations is guaranteed to include at least a certain percantage of data. This guaranteed minimal value as a percentage is 93.75%. I originally said the answer was 93%, but should have been more specific about the percentage.

std = 8

answer = 1 - (1 / (std ** std))
answer * 100 

Question 2

For scaling data by quantiles we need to compute the z-scores first.

Question 3

In the ‘mtcars’ dataset the zscore of an 18.1mpg car is -0.335572. I originally said the answer was -0.33, but again should have been more specific and included more significant figures.

data = pd.read_csv('mtcars.csv')
data_copy = data

# get the mean for mpg
mean = data['mpg'].mean()

# get the standard deviation
std = data['mpg'].std()

# get specific car (x)
data_filtered_idx = (data['mpg'] == 18.1)
data_filtered = data[data_filtered_idx]
x = 18.1

# compute z score
result = (x - mean) / std

Question 4

In the ‘mtcars’ dataset determine the percentile of a car that weighs 3520bs is 68.75%.

# how many total wts are there
num_weight = data.wt.count()
# how many wts are equal to 3520 or lower
data_weight_idx = (data['wt'] <= 3.520)
data_weight = data[data_weight_idx]
num_below = data_weight.wt.count()
# divide
(num_below / num_weight) * 100

Question 5

A finite sum of squared quantities that depends on some parameters (weights), always has a minimum value.

Question 6

For the ‘mtcars’ data set use a linear model to predict the mileage of a car whose weight is 2800lbs. The answer with only the first two decimal places and no rounding is:

from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, QuantileTransformer

qtn = QuantileTransformer(n_quantiles=100)

v = data[['wt']].values

x = data[['wt']]
y = data[['mpg']]
lm = linear_model.LinearRegression()
model =,y)


Question 7

If, for running the gradient descent algorithm, you consider the learning_rate = 0.01, the number of iterations = 10000 and the initial slope and intercept equal to 0, then the optimal value of the sum of the squared residuals is 278.2219. When answering this question, I accidentally put the minimized cost when I should have put the last squared residual that I printed (that number was 278.3219375435502).

def compute_cost(b, m, data):
    total_cost = 0
    # number of datapoints in training data
    N = float(len(data))
    # Compute sum of squared errors
    for i in range(0, len(data)):
        x = data[i, 0]
        y = data[i, 1]
        total_cost += (y - (m * x + b)) ** 2
    # Return average of squared error
    return total_cost/(2*N)

I found the answer by adding a print statement to the compute_cost method. The print statement prints out the last squared residual computation, which matches the answer.

Question 8

If we have one input variable and one output, the process of determining the line of best fit may not require the calculation of the intercept inside the gradient descent algorithm.

Question 9

For the line of regression in the case of the example we discussed with the ‘mtcars’ data set the meaning of the intercept is…

This slope has no interpretable meaning. It’s the slope of the line that has meaning, not the intercept.

Question 10

The slope of the regression line always remains the same if we scale the data by z-scores.